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Achieving Success Together


Headteacher: Mrs V. Campos

General information

Our Curriculum


At Boxmoor Primary School we use the National Curriculum (2014) as a starting point for a broad and varied learning experience for our children.  Our curriculum is enriched through our strong ethos based on respect for ourselves and others, equality and a sense of wonder at the world in which we live in. Through our commitment to developing the whole child, our children have the opportunity to be creative, to be physically active and to be academically challenged. 

The relevant national curriculum programs of study are taught. Along with effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development as this helps to prepare our children for life in modern Britain.

We actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  


We hold our school motto Achieving Success Together at the heart of all we do.  We aim to teach children how to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and co-operate with others while developing knowledge and skills, so that they achieve their true potential.


Curriculum Subjects

We teach the Foundation Stage Curriculum, the National Curriculum and the agreed local syllabus for R.E.

Subjects are taught as discrete lessons, but where possible and relevant we make cross-curricular links in children's learning. 


The teaching of reading in EYFS and KS1 is taught through the Essential Letters and Sounds phonics scheme.  This is a systematic scheme, building on initial letter sounds, blends and understanding of irregular words.

We follow the National curriculum when it comes to reading. In school we use a variety of books to help children learn to read, we don’t use one specific reading scheme but dip into many.


Teachers work hard to ensure the themes are motivating and creative for all the children and they are constantly reviewed to provide the best learning experience possible in response to children’s interests and needs, as well as aspirations.


Classes are well resourced and school trips / visitors /events are used to extend the child’s learning even further – making the whole learning experience a fun and exciting one.


Parental Involvement

We are keen to work together with all parents in supporting a child’s education. For example, workshops are held in school to explain how particular subjects are taught.


Information about what is being taught in the curriculum each term is shared with parents and carers via class newsletters.



Pupils are grouped within mixed ability classes and careful consideration is given to ensuring the most able are stretched and the least able are supported sufficiently to reach their full potential.

Our school works hard to overcome barriers to learning and ensure that the needs of all vulnerable groups are met.


Staff are available to specifically support pupils who may require specific physical or learning support.




A child’s grasp of basic skills is regularly assessed in school to ensure the child makes appropriate progress for their age. Assessment is generally informal and on-going, and teachers use the results to help them plan what support individual pupils need next.


In line with current Government requirements, pupils at the end of Key Stage 2 took part in the Statutory National Assessments (SATs) during May 2023.


Pupils at the end of Key Stage 1 (end of Y2) are also taking part in SATs.  However, these are less formal than those for Y6 as the outcomes are used in order to help inform the teacher assessment judgements which are made. 


Extra Curricular Activities

There is a range of extra curricular activities at Boxmoor Primary School. We also provide a wide range of curriculum enrichment events such as visits, visitors, theme and activity days.
