Applications to join Nursery Class for September 2024 are now open. You can find a link to our application form in the admissions page. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit to our Nursery Class.
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Achieving Success Together


Headteacher: Mrs V. Campos




At present there are two admission processes, one for Nursery Admissions and one for Primary Admissions. Parents are invited to apply to the school directly for a place in the Nursery Class. Please see the admissions policy for Nursery below.  Information is sent to families directly from Herts County Council for Primary Admissions. This explains the admission process in detail, including the admission criteria. The admission process takes place in the academic year prior to the child starting Nursery/Reception Class.  There is a single intake in September for both Nursery and Reception classes.


Admissions to Reception Class are handled centrally by Hertfordshire County Council; to find out about procedures please click here.



The application window for admission to Reception class in September 2025 opens on 1st November 2024 and closes on the 15th January 2025.  Applications for Reception are made via Hertfordshire County Council (see link below)


Hertfordshire Admissions


If you would like to visit the school prior to making an application, we can offer tours on the following dates subject to availability.


Please contact the school office by telephone on 01442 402244 to book a tour.


Reception Tour Dates

Monday 14th Oct - 10am

Thursday 17th Oct - 1.30pm

Wednesday 23rd Oct - 10am

Friday 25th Oct - 1.30pm

Tuesday 5th Nov - 10am

Thursday 7th Nov - 10am

Monday 11th Nov - 10am

Thursday 14th Nov - 1.30pm

Tuesday 19th Nov - 10am

Friday 22nd Nov - 1.30pm

Wednesday 27th Nov - 10am

Thursday 9th Jan 10am 


Nursery Admissions 2024


Applications are now open for children born between 1st September 2020 - 31st August 2021


Boxmoor Primary School has one Nursery Class with capacity for 30 pupils in receipt of 15 or 30 hours Government funding.


Ofsted rated our Early Years provision as 'Outstanding' in March 2024


From September 2024 we can offer the following flexible options in our nursery


Morning Session – 9.00am – 12pm (3 hours)

Morning and lunch club 9.00am – 1pm (4 hours)

Whole day 9.00am – 3.00pm  - (6 hours)

Parents can choose to use their 15 hour universal funding towards full days or mix and match sessions.


Children are required to attend for a minimum of 15 hours per week.




30 Hours Funded Childcare (6 hours a day)


From September 2019, some 3 and 4 year-olds may be entitled to an additional 570 hours of childcare per year, which is equal to an extra 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year. The 30 hour free childcare entitlement is available to working families who meet the eligibility criteria. Parents and Carers can check eligibility at

Contact details for all registered providers in Hertfordshire can be found at and Carers

Boxmoor Primary School Nursery offers pupils in receipt of 30 hour funding a place from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

Children staying for the 30 hour funding will need to bring their own packed lunch.


A provisional offer of a place will be made, in accordance with the oversubscription criteria, with the understanding that a place will not be confirmed until the parent or carer has provided the school with their 30 hour offer code provided by the Government and the parent/carer’s National Insurance number. Once the School has checked the code’s eligibility, a 30 hour place will be offered to the child. If the parent or carer has not provided the school with their 30 hour eligibility code by 10th August 2024, then the provisional offer will be removed.

Parents and Carers have the responsibility to re-check their eligibility every three months with HMRC. Parents and Carers will need to supply the school with the new eligibility end date every three months. If parents and carers’ eligibility ends then the school’s offer of a 30 hour place will end. The school and parent/carer can then discuss the child being offered a 15 hour place in the Nursery.


The Headteacher and governors will allocate places according to the criteria below. Copies of supporting documents must be submitted with the application form for criteria 1, 2 and 4. Failure to submit supporting evidence will result in the criteria not being considered. Parents and Carers will receive a letter via email on Monday 22nd April 2024 if they have been allocated a place. Parents and Carers are obliged to accept the provisional place in writing within seven calendar days or the place will be withdrawn and offered to the first child on the waiting list. Failure to accept the place within seven days may mean a place is no longer available.


NB: Allocation of a Nursery place does not guarantee a place in Reception. Applications for Reception are managed by Hertfordshire County Council, and it is the responsibility of Parents and Carers to apply separately. Parents and Carers of children born between April and August may choose to defer their Reception application and keep their child in Nursery. In this case, Parents and Carers must notify the Headteacher in writing before 31st March.


Parents and carers not eligible for 30 hour funding can pay the school in advance if their child would like to attend any additional sessions.  The cost of sessions for 2024/25 academic year are

Lunch Club - 12:00pm to 1:00pm £6.50 per session

Additional Morning Session 9am - 12pm - £18.50 per session

Additional Morning Session &  lunch club 9am - 1pm - £24.00 per session

Full Day extra session 9am - 3pm - £35.00 per session.


Parents and Carers need to provide their child with a packed lunch. Parents and Carers must request in advance which days their child would like to attend extra sessions.


We accept childcare vouchers and Tax Free Childcare


Oversubscription criteria


Admission to Nursery is based on the expression of parent/carer preference. If there are more applications than places available, the following criteria will be applied (in order of priority):


  1. Children in the care of the Local Authority or adopted from care.
  2. Children with exceptional social, educational or medical needs identified by professionals, such as a Child Protection plan or Education Health Care Plan. (Evidence must be submitted with the application in order to be considered.)
  3. Children with siblings in the school at the time of application, unless the sibling is in the last year of normal age range of the school i.e. is in Year 6.
  4. All other children in order of distance (as measured using the distance calculator on Herts Direct, which is the same for Reception class admissions:


Evidence for criteria 1 and 2 must be submitted with the application. Failure to do so will result in the criteria not being considered. The school will not send any reminders.


If more children qualify under a particular rule than there are places available, a tie breaker will be used by applying the next rule to those children. If more children qualify under criterion 4 than there are place available, priority will be given to those who live nearest to the school as identified by the distance calculator on Herts Direct. Where there is a need for a tie breaker where two addresses measure the same distance from the school, for example, in the case of a block of flats, the lower number shall be deemed closer. If there are two equidistant addresses of separate applicants, the tie breaker will be random.


Twins/multiple births will be given priority within each individual category: every effort will be made to accommodate twins and other multiple birth applications provided that this does not breach maximum class size regulations.


Waiting List


If there are more applications than the number of places available, parents and carers may request for their child’s name to be added to the waiting list. Any places which become available will be allocated according to the criteria above.


Right of Appeal


As Nursery provision is non-statutory, the school’s decision will be final and there is no formal right of appeal.


