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Achieving Success Together


Headteacher: Mrs V. Campos

PE and Sport at Boxmoor


Year 5 and Year 6 have been taking part in the first few games of their leagues over the last few weeks. Both teams have done really well and have really enjoyed their games. Some of the children came up with some things they would like to improve on such as defending, better footwork and better shooting. They are looking forward to playing some more games after the Christmas break. Year 6 have won 2 of their games and lost 1. Year 5 have enjoyed having the chance to take part in some games and be part of a league.

Tag Rugby

Year 6 Report

On Wednesday, Year 6 went to a non-competitive tag rugby tournament hosted by Camelot Rugby Club. We left at 12.00 am and split into three groups of ten. We walked up and set up our base and got ready for the matches. Each team played four matches, against other schools and had lots of fun. We were all encouraging our teammates to do their best. Our opinions were, “we had so much fun, that we wanted to play more games”. Overall, we loved it!


Leo, Rosie, Alex and Charlie – Year 6 Activity Ambassadors


Year 5 Report

On Wednesday 11th October Year 5 went on a school trip to Camelot to play a game of tag rugby.  

They really enjoyed it and wanted to do it again. Their favourite parts were scoring tries and pulling tags. They also liked the way the game were set out. They got on really well and won most games. They liked that they had a break in between the matches. They also thought it was good that they had a new captain every match. 


Evie, Millie and Elsie – Year 6 Activity Ambassadors   

Dodgeball Tournament

The dodgeball tournament was a great experience and we had lots of fun. The team of ten year 6's came second out of thirteen schools. In the final we lost by one point against Potten End. Overall we are all proud of ourselves. All of us would love to do the dodgeball again.

Kabir, Charlotte and Isla - Year 6

District Cross Country
