Applications to join Nursery Class for September 2024 are now open. You can find a link to our application form in the admissions page. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit to our Nursery Class.
Home Page

Achieving Success Together


Headteacher: Mrs V. Campos

Key Information

If Parents require any paper copies of any information contained on this website, then please ask at the School Office. Paper copies of all information will be issued free of charge. 

In this section you will find information about:

- COVID-19

- Admissions

- Our School Development Plan

- Pupil Premium

- Sport Premium

- Ofsted reports and information

- Performance data

- Link to Parent View

- Financial information

- SEND School Offer

- Public Sector Equality Duty

- Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015

- School publications available under the Freedom of Information act

- Financial Information




Admission Arrangements




At present there are two admission processes, one for Nursery Admissions and one for Primary Admissions. Parents are invited to apply to the school directly for a place in the Nursery Class. Please see the admissions policy for Nursery below.  Information is sent to families directly from Herts County Council for Primary Admissions. This explains the admission process in detail, including the admission criteria. The admission process takes place in the academic year prior to the child starting Nursery/Reception Class.  There is a single intake in September for both Nursery and Reception classes.


Admissions to Reception Class are handled centrally by Hertfordshire County Council; to find out about procedures please click here.


To see details of our admissions for Reception Class 2024/2025 please click here.


Nursery Admissions 2024


Please see our web page Nursery Admissions 2024 for more information about applying for a Nursery place for children due to start in September 2024.

Summer Born Children - Entry to Reception

Legally, a child does not have to start school until the start of the term following their fifth birthday. Following guidance issued by the Department for Education on 8 September 2015 the county council has amended its policy for summer born children. Children born between 1 April and 31 August  are categorised as “summer born” and if parents/carers do not believe that the summer born child is ready to join Reception in 2021 they may delay their application until 2022.

These applications will be processed in exactly the same way as all other reception applications received at that time; there is no guarantee that a place will be offered at a child’s preferred school.

If parents wish to delay their application for a Reception place they are advised to discuss their child’s needs /development with their current early years or nursery provider. If parents wish their child to remain in their existing nursery school or class for a further year (rather than moving into the Reception year group) they must let their current school know before the end of the Spring term in 2021(before the Easter break).




Secondary Transfer is administered by Herts County Council and the individual Secondary Schools. Primary Schools distribute information. The admission process takes place during Year 6.  'Moving On' booklets are distributed by the Primary School early in September. The booklet will explain the admission process in detail, including the admission criteria. The timetable for Nursery and Primary admissions is currently as follows; precise dates will be given with the application details.



Application period             

Parents Notified of Place Allocation


16th January to 24th March 2023

24th April 2023


1st November 2022 to 15th January 202317th April 2023

1st September 2022 to 31st October 2022

1st March 2023

Our School Development Plan

School Development Plan Priorities 2023-2014

Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

It is funding paid by the government (via the local authority) directly to schools for children who are on the free school meal register now or in the past 6 years, have parents who are in the armed forces or for children who are looked after by the Local Authority. The school receives £1,320 per school year for each child.

What are the Key Benefits?

Children receiving Pupil Premium may receive:

  • Additional funding to support learning and progress.
  • Access to group or 1 to 1 support.
  • Free School Meals
  • Subsidised costs for educational visits.

How do I know if I can apply for Pupil Premium?

You must be in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers’ Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
  • Universal Credit

How can I apply for Pupil Premium?

You can find further details of how to access the Pupil Premium here. Applications are treated in the strictest of confidence and confidentiality will be maintained during and after the application process.

Our report on the impact, expenditure and strategy for our Pupil Premium spending is attached below.


Pupil Premium Policy

Sports Premium


Click on the document below for details of the Sports funding allocation.

Ofsted Reports and DfE Performance Tables


School Inspection Report February 2019

Key Stage 2 2023 Summary





Boxmoor (Average Scaled Score)

National (Average Scaled Score)


Boxmoor RWM Combined

National RWM Combined






















Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling














Scaled scores are an interpretation of the children’s results. A score of 100 represents a good level of attainment and/or Age Related Expectations (ARE) for the cohort.

A score of 110 and over represents high level attainment in reading, writing and maths. The table below shows children who achieved this score.

High Achievement



National Average 










Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling










Progress measures have been difficult to establish for children in Year 6 as they left KS1 with a level which is no longer compatible with ARE. Therefore, the DFE have defined a score of ‘0’ in all subjects as a national average. The progress scale is from -10 to 10. It is important to understand that negative scores do not mean that the children have not made progress but rather in comparison to other schools nationally, they made less progress.


Progress results are calculated for a school based on a specific cohort of pupils. A school may have been just as effective, but have performed differently with a different set of pupils. Similarly, some pupils may be more likely to achieve high or low results
independently of which school they attend. To account for the natural uncertainty, 95% confidence intervals around progress scores are provided.School progress scores should be interpreted alongside their associated confidence intervals.

If the lower bound of the school’s confidence interval is greater than zero, it can be interpreted as meaning that the school has achieved greater than average progress compared to pupils with similar starting points nationally. Similarly, if the upper bound is below zero, then the school has made less than average progress. Where a confidence interval overlaps zero, this means that the school’s progress score is not significantly different from the national average.

The results of schools with small cohorts tend to have wider confidence intervals. This reflects the fact that performance of a small number of pupils taking Key Stage 2 tests can have a disproportionate effect on the school’s overall results. Both the progress
score and the confidence interval for a school should be taken into account when comparing with other schools or pupil groups.




Confidence Interval



-0.7 to 4.2



-5.5 to -0.9



-1.6 to 3.0


Parent view website

Here you can view opinions given by parents, and as a parent you can add your own views of the school.

Parent View jigsaw

SEND Information Report

The information provided outlines the School Offer for Special Educational Needs children in line with the new SEND Code of Practice.

The school's Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Emma Argiolas. The nominated Governor linked to SEND provision within the school is Mrs Michelle Sims. Mrs Argiolas can be contacted via the school office on 01442 402244 or at


In July 2017, Boxmoor was awarded The Inclsuion Quality Mark in recognition of the work the school does to support those with additional needs and how inclusive the school is to all its children. 




Arrangements for handling complaints from Parent of children with SEND

Should pupils or parents/carers be unhappy with any aspect of provision they should discuss the problem with a class teacher in the first instance. Anyone who feels unable to talk to the teacher, or is not satisfied with the teacher’s comments, should ask to speak to the SENCo, Senior Leadership Team or Head Teacher. For a problem that might need time to be explored fully, parents/carers should make an appointment rather than rushing the discussion before or after school.


In the event of a formal complaint, parents should follow the procedure in the school’s complaints policy.


Public Sector Equality Duty

Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015

Boxmoor Primary Schoool follows all statutory guidance with regards to Safeguarding children. This will include the Prevent Duty Guidance 2015, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.

School publications available under the

Freedom of Information act
