The Governing Body of Boxmoor Primary School comprises:
We are currently looking to fill 2x Co-opted Governor roles. For more information please contact the school office on
In addition there may from time to time be a number of Associate Governors who are appointed for a specific purpose or to a committee but who (although they may attend) do not vote in Governing body meetings.
The Governing body operates two sub-committees:
Boxmoor Primary School: List of Governors
Mrs. Vicky Campos | Headteacher | Conflict of interests: None | |
Mr. Dave Edwards | Deputy Headteacher
Term of office ends: 31/08/25 | Associate Member (no voting rights) Improvement and Resources Committee
Conflict of interests: Dr Hobson (Year 3 teacher) is the wife of Dave Edwards | |
Mrs Michelle Fennelly | Chair of Governors LA Governor
School Improvement Committee
Term of office ends: 12/12/26 | Link Role: Safeguarding Conflicts of interest: None | |
Mr Chris Bowmer | Vice Chair Parent Governor
Resources Committee
Term of office ends: 12/10/26 | Government development coordinator | |
Mr Pete Crawley | Parent Governor
Term of office ends: 05/10/24 | Link Role: Health and Safety and PE Conflict of interests: None | |
Miss Mia Taylor | Staff Governor
Term of office ends: 12/10/26 | Conflict of interests: None | |
Mr Andrew Tucker | Parent Governor
Improvement Committee
Term of office ends: 15/11/25 | Link Role: Pupil Premium and Children Looked After (CLA) Conflict of interests: None | |
Mrs Michelle Sims | Co-opted Governor
School Improvement Committee
Term of office ends: 27/03/26 | Link Role: Literacy and Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Conflicts of interest: None | |
Mr Liam Hornsby | Co-opted Governor
Term of office ends: 09/07/27 | Link Role:
Conflicts of interest: None | |
Mrs. Ceri Twynam | Co-opted Governor
Term of office ends: 11/09/27 | Link Role: Curriculum and PSHE
Conflicts of interest: None | |
Mrs. Allyson Woodhouse | Clerk to the Governors | Conflicts of interest: None |
All Governors can be contacted via the School Office or the Governors' email address
If you are interested in becoming a school Governor, please contact the office.